ASB Forms and Information
1. Download this from
2. After filling out the form, please save a copy of the document to your computer for your records and title it (NameofClub)_(Event)_(AdvisorName)_FUNDRAISING_ACTIVITY_APPROVAL (eg.Leadership_See'sCandyFundraiser_Evans_FUNDRAISING_ACTIVITY_APPROVAL)
3. After saving a copy, please submit to the "Fundraiser Pending Approval" Google Folder and place a Printed copy in Mr. Evans' box in the workroom.
NOTICE: ASB Meetings take place on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month and all fund-raisers must be approved and you should have a signed and completed copy back to you BEFORE YOUR FUND-RAISER CAN BEGIN.
1. Download this from
2. After filling out the form, please save a copy of the document to your computer for your records and title it (NameofClub)_(Event)_(AdvisorName)_EVENT_PROFIT (eg.Leadership_See'sCandyFundraiser_Evans_EVENT_PROFIT)
3. After saving a copy, please submit to the "Fundraisers Pending Approval" Google Folder and place a Printed copy in Mr. Evans' box in the workroom.
NOTICE: ASB Meetings take place on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month and all fund-raisers must be approved and you should have a signed and completed copy in your clubs Google folder BEFORE YOUR FUND-RAISER CAN BEGIN.
1. Download this from
2. After filling out the form, please save a copy of the document to your computer for your records and title it (NameofClub)_(Purchase)_(AdvisorName)_ASB_PURCHASING_REQUISITION (eg.Leadership_SquareRegister_Evans_ASB_PURCHASING_REQUISITION)
3. After saving a copy, please submit to the "Purchases Pending Approval" Google Folder and place a Printed copy in Mr. Evans' box in the workroom.
NOTICE: ASB Meetings take place on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month and all fund-raisers must be approved and you should have a signed and completed copy back to you BEFORE YOUR purchase can be made